Heading to the River

How many pairs of shorts do I need for a 50 mile run? I will probably only need 1 pair of shorts, but I also need a change of clothes in a drop bag. So that is two pairs. But I can’t decide which shorts I want to wear, so I am bringing about 5 pairs and an assortment of Under Armour to wear underneath to prevent chaffing. Definite nervous overkill.

I did not buy new shoes for the run (which everyone knows is a rookie mistake to wear un-broken-in shoes), but my shoes look soooo old, I don’t know if they will make it. And like the shorts, which shoes do I wear?

Did I mention the pain in my knee? As I taper for the big run, I ran 3 measly miles on Sunday – nothing else since (today is Wednesday). My knee has been bothering me since Tuesday. I think I banged it on my desk at work. I don’t think it is serious, but it hurts to walk. I am calling it a psychological injury. Maybe I can get the swine flu on the way up to Sacramento.

I went to REI and bought some running food, powdered Gatorade (my favorite lemon-lime), Cliff Bars, and Sport Beans. I made the trip specifically for Perpetuem, which of course they were out of.

Thank god I have to work to take my mind of all this preparation.

Movies I am watching for inspiration:  Rudy is just inspirational, but Running the Sahara makes a 50 miler look easy - these guy ran about 2 marathons a day for 111 days straight.


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