Ultracentric 48 hour November 17 2011
Big thanks to Rob Willits, I didn’t think I would use up so much of his weekend, but I did, and his help was vital to my success. He walked about the last 18 miles with me and never complained about how long I was taking. He grabbed water, food, and gear for me. He drove me to and from the race and the airport. He put me up for the weekend and put up with me. Thanks Rob!
I would also like to thank the race organizers and volunteers. It was a great setup. The 1 mile course had the aid station right in the middle. The farthest aid was never more than 1 mile away. I did not get all the names of the volunteers, but Shelly was very helpful and encouraging to me, and another woman helped me find Vaseline twice, which was critical at the time.
The food was outstanding, tables held the standard water, electrolyte, sodas, chips, nuts, m&m’s, etc…, but there were great meals too. I had spaghetti, barbeque, fajitas, and breakfast burritos. All were great. Chicken Breast sandwiches also- yum (I ate about 4 of them). I also had some soups during the non-meal hours and coffee with cream and sugar.
THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered, because it was awesome.
The race started off great for me. I ran the first 50K in 7 hours (PR). I ran the first 50M in 12:02 (PR). I was really enjoying myself until about mile 65. At 65, the breeze (30+ mph winds) hit me in the face and created a chill that froze me in my tracks. I started to shiver and literally could not move. I knew that I had to get warm and eat something quick. It was late, and I made my way about 200 yards to Rob’s truck and ask him to give me my fleece. He helped me put on the fleece and I lied down in the back of his truck for about an hour. He gave me a cup of coffee which I could not hold because of the shivering. We laughed at the time; if you had seen it, you would have thought I was faking the shivering, but I wasn’t. After the hour of trying to warm up I opened the door to the truck and stepped out. I thought if I could get going again, I could finish. I really wanted to quit; I should have quit. But after leaving Labor of Love 2011 with only 50 miles completed, I thought I should at least try. Looking back, that would have been a good time to pack it in. The next 35 miles were the toughest I have ever done.
My 24 hour estimate is about 77-78 miles which was pitiful. My left ankle was very swollen for no particular reason. I am glad I never looked at it closely, but I think I had poor circulation leaving the left foot. The pain was excruciating, but I could still stand, so I kept going. I don’t know how dangerous the situation really was, and I do NOT recommend ignoring something like that.
After the 24 hr mark, time seemed to stand still. I was moving at about 2 MPH. I was calculating in my head when I would be done, and the time was slipping away – 8pm, 9pm, 10pm….
Over the course of the race, I walked/ran with some of the other participants, Ray (finished 2nd), Jaimie (finshed 4th), Michael M (6th). I picked up some tips for next time and learned some of the strategies they used. Towards the end, I met some 24hr participants (Cathy and Elliot) who really helped me “celebrate” making the 100 miles. Rob walked with me a lot in the last 18 miles. He knew just what to say and what not to say. I needed the company, especially to keep me awake. I was planning a much shorter race, and all the extra time was making me delirious due to sleep deprivation. If I run a 48 hr event again, there will be 3-4 hours of down time.
It feels good to have completed the 100 miles. I think I can improve and do better. I liked the course and the event. I might try it again. I don’t know if I am ready for a regular 100 mile trail race, but I feel I can handle 50 miles. Thanks to everyone for their supports, interest, and encouragement.
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