Get Ready for the Heat!

I felt like a Turkey being slid into the oven on Thanksgiving.  I ran with SURF (San Diego Ultra Running Friends) peeps on Saturday from the Noble Canyon trail-head to Penny Pines (about 9 miles out and 9 miles back).  Everything was going great until the last 2 miles approx.

As you descend the Noble Canyon trail returning from Penney Pines, you leave the shade and really feel the temperature.  104 in the shade is better than 104 in the sun, obviously. What isn't obvious is how you can be feeling fine one minute and suddenly you are dizzy, sleepy, and sick.  I have never thrown up on a run.  I have had some heaves after some sprints once, but never emptied my gut.  The heat forced me to stop, double over, and hurl.  Now I am nervous.

The scenery starts to look unfamiliar.  In my condition, I don't want to get lost so I turn back to find a familiar landmark.  Luckily I ran into some surf people who said I was going the right way (I hate backtracking), but good to know I was headed in the right direction.  We had a little over a mile to go, but it felt like 10 miles.  I had to stop on the smallest "bumps" to put my hands on my knees and catch my breath.  Wow it was hot.

What did I learn.  Extra water would have been better - even a bottle's worth.  Water to wet myself down would have helped.  Slow down? not sure if I really overdid it.  I was very conservative.


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