Notes about me:

Why a Clydesdale? I have weighed as much as 260 lbs. Currently 225 lbs. I do not have a runner's physique. My orthopedic surgeon says I don't look like a runner. I do not have much athletic abiltiy. But I don't let that stop me. I began to run about 2007. We got a new dog that needed a lot of exercise. I walked and walked and walked. No amount of walking could tame the puppy. I started riding a bike with the dog and that seem to take some of the canine energy. But the dog was in great shape, but I wasn't.

My first goal was to run to a 4-way stop sign near my house (about 1/4 mile away). When I got there, I though about what the stop sign was saying, "STOP! You are fat. You can't run." Well, I went past the stop sign and have continued to test my limits.


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